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Welcome to MAKO CIGRE

Dear visitors,
on behalf of MAKO CIGRE members and myself I would like to welcome you at the MAKO CIGRE web site.

MAKO CIGRE is an association that has been established and acted in the field of power engineering for 30 years, aiming to connect the academic community, industry, and other stakeholders and to initiate exchange of knowledge and experiences between them.

This goal has been achieved by organizing various activities for the members of MAKO CIGRE as well as activities open to the public. The key activities of our association are related to the organization of the biannual MAKO CIGRE conferences, which remain major events for the electricity community in our country. The latest, 12. Conference was organized from 17th to 19th September 2023 in Ohrid.

Apart from the Conferences, MAKO CIGRE is dedicated to the promotion of knowledge and exchange of experiences between engineers. To achieve these goals, MAKO CIGRE organizes panel discussions and meetings where society members have the opportunity to discuss topics relevant for the electricity sector. Technical presentations that are organized in cooperation with power utilities and industry enable continuous overview of the technical developments in the sector for our members.

In the past few years MAKO CIGRE has dedicated some of the activities to the youngest members of the electricity community – the students. Since 2013, we have supported the Student conference for energy efficiency and sustainable development (SCEESD). MAKO CIGRE has provided scholarships for the best enrolled students and awards for the best graduated students of the power engineering modules at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the Technical Faculty at the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola. Although somewhat modest, the support is important for the future power engineers, who can access all the events organized by MAKO CIGRE by being members of our organization.

MAKO CIGRE is a member of CIGRE and takes part in the activities of the international association. Our members are active in the working groups functioning within CIGRE and thus contribute to the work of the association.

This year MAKO CIGRE celebrates 30 years since its establishment. Following our experience in celebrating 20 jubilee of MAKO CIGRE and all the events organized throughout the anniversary year of 2014, this year we will organize a number of events under the motto "Cooperation – Expertise - Networking".

Please follow our web page for all news and activities related to the work of MAKO CIGRE.

More info about MAKO CIGRE or CIGRE can be found at the following link.

Best regards,
Sašo Saltirovski
President, MAKO CIGRE